- Looking for jazz inspired Arabic music … any suggestions? #
- RT @amorandexile: A little bit of my history reporting on immigration inspired by @DefineAmerican and @joseiswriting | http://t.co/Ew2RkIMT #
- Missed it, but 1 to "watch" RT @RadioBoise Brand new show, Elemental Idaho, debuts TODAY at Noon … http://t.co/vOg3OGSH w @bethmarkley #
- Thanks @BeckyGMartinez and @joseiswriting for the tweets: Reporting on immigration and everything else: http://t.co/Ew2RkIMT #
- Nicole's story on @breakthrough RT @aquariansalgado: Another Holiday in Exile « Restore Fairness: http://t.co/eu8kQ7EK @amorandexile #
- For 60,000 years RT @MarwaSammi: Migration has been a historical norm, which has now been politicized and halted #
- I'm scouring my paltry but global jazz library in preparation for a 1 hr. guest DJ slot with #JohnMcCarthy @radioboise Weds at 9am. #pledge #
- Here's a link for my earlier RT about the super-ancient norm of migration: http://t.co/SccElMsb (and I'm not @ #niic #
- I just power-gleaned the fuck out of my front yard: http://t.co/YHu0bhTc (almost 32 in #boise tonight) #
- Cape Town x2, New York, Addis x2, Idaho, Congo, New York, Cairo | Tune in Wednesday #
- Nice looking study of social justice documentary films and their impact from @ctr4socialmedia http://t.co/uZSKokLC #
- Egyptian youth advise #ows … #goosebumps http://t.co/Mh19XFS7 #
- Also story here: http://t.co/S6eaguiJ RT @PresenteOrg: Via @nprnews: In The Rush To Deport, Expelling U.S. Citizens http://t.co/99ZSh4hq #
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