Archived Twitter links for May 20 – 27 via @paleomedia.
- Newspaper "translations": The Times in Plain English | #
- looks commie/rad RT @PowerCordz: #futurebike Pavilion in Hainan, China: via @Mannynqr and @hypebeast #
- Could Facebook like, "develop a harmonious classless society, with the withering away of the state?" #
- The Tupac Hologram via @jsmooth995 #
- effective campaigning anywhere RT @MexiData_info: Candidate for Mexican congress appears topless on billboards #cnn #
- I'm switching my google calendar back to a Sun-Sat week now. #
- Thanks @rockybarker! I read Brautigan before moving to Idaho and missed the Stanley connection. #
- Also, that's two random Richard Brautigan references on Twitter in two days. I have some reading to do this weekend … #
- Idaho Parks & Recreation hiking/trail maps online Good interface! #
- Just backed out of Memorial Day Snow Camping cuz I don't roll like that anymore. #softserved #
- I just backed The Muslims Are Coming! on @Kickstarter for only $1 or more… #
- Whenever I read local news I end up with more questions than answers. #
- This is just a super helpful @medialitproject doc for thinking about what we read/consume/get shoved down our throats: #
- I love Dropbox because she is always there when I needs her. #PlugforMBs #