WSJ loves Idaho Democrats

Why is the Wall Street Journal spilling so much ink on Idaho Democrats? In the past month, two WSJ stories have touched on the chances of Democrats Larry LaRocco and Walt Minnick to upset the Republican stranglehold on Idaho politics. Which is just the type of story Jim Risch and especially Bill Sali need. In the latest WSJ story[not sure if the link will stay open… it is Wall Street] on Sali’s “defying the political odds by making Idaho’s first-district congressional race competitive” Sali even says as much.

Mr. Sali said national Republican leaders assumed his victory “would go on autopilot,” until he called attention to his situation. Now, he said, they are paying attention and offering fund-raising help.

In June, another WSJ reporter posited the idea that Rex Rammell could pull enough votes away from Risch to give LaRocco a chance [citation here]. Now Rammell and LaRocco are best buds.
But who reads the Wall Street Journal in Idaho, anyway?

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