- one or two microsoft word crashes per day is getting old now. #
- Folks always come up with great band names, but what's a great name for a public policy magazine? #
- Begone vamps du Boise http://t.co/VpKiYPHl #
- Best part of this whole #Almostinnocentbystander gate is that the whole world knows about Jacobson's blouse now http://t.co/uNpPEJST #
- High Tech! MT @boisepublib: Did you know you can search the Library! catalog… using the Library's Facebook Page? http://t.co/p0O8BXTb #
- Benny said gif RT @m3mo: Hey, Idaho! http://t.co/kEN37KGV #trademarks #
- July @radioboise Board meeting tomorrow @BitterFeather. DJs, listeners, volunteers, community comment welcome. Agenda: http://t.co/GqDJ4AWa #
- #DefineAmerican RT @AILANational: Gap in policy forces woman to deport herself, reluctantly – http://t.co/KcmdPFkc #immigration #
- RT @rigo_: The memo. The. Memo. The fucken memo! Use it @wwwicegov! #
- Judge Terminates Deported Mom’s Rights, Allows Missouri Couple to Adopt – COLORLINES http://t.co/5vgo1kPs #
- How are states identifying which voters are in question? http://t.co/W5Ym6x3X #
- I named my second daughter after Madiba #MandelaMeans #
- My parents are having major problems navigating the ethical landscapes of the internet age. #
- They treat their friends' iTunes libraries like the Early Bird Special rolls at the diner, stuffing them in their iPurse when nobody looks. #
- I only hate 6 of these 10 things: http://t.co/zT85dRNu #
- So many probs with this article. Where to start? RT @IdahoStatesman: Research center errs in criticism of K12 in Idaho http://t.co/cih8hCXJ #
- Can you have #an sign in a hashtag? #test #
- Define blog: #
- Coming soon: An Idaho-based online #medialiteracy course from @liliorg #idmediaonline #
- cc @jessflynn #minipony RT @jczamora: Wikipedia mobile sees huge traffic spikes on Friday and Saturday nights, because of bar arguments. #