- This month in oaxaca… Rt @IJNet: Workshop on indigenous journalism offered [Mexico] http://t.co/ny1RpOow #
- Well done. RT @AQueerDesi: Immigration Egregore: The "Illegal Immigrant" Slur http://t.co/Y2bDLLdG #
- US export? RT @freemvntblog: RT @JCWInews: Stark choice under new immigration rules: exile or family breakup http://t.co/KRQGviOW #
- I retract the last tweet. They are only looking for a god-fearing graphic artist @BoiseRescue … sorry, artist friends. #
- These guys have middle names like hurricanes: http://t.co/e42fgiiJ #
- There's an awful lot of research papers about what people ought to be researching. #
- DNA matches language patterns RT @TonyHTonyH: Earliest Americans Arrived in Waves, DNA Study Finds http://t.co/KWPncNo7 #
- With this and a 25 cents, you can… now @idahopress website: 10 Steps to Maybe Getting Your Nonfiction Book Published http://t.co/XkSuaygF #
- Picture worth … http://t.co/sPe6WpOA #
- Anybody know where ken kesey's wife's Idaho place is? #
- Anybody else get confused between what's in their @pocket, @evernote, starred tweets/GReader, bookmarks, @dropbox or GDrive? #
- is there a waterslide now? RT @georgepren: Take a Look at the New #JUMP Designs for Downtown #Boise http://t.co/OUygfNyF #
- Just replaced a file cabinet with a freezer. #
- Thanks @aquariansalgado for making me finally read up on El Camino Real and Aztlán. #
- Good take on trad. publishing from @BostonReview. Must be a middle ground folks… http://t.co/ZQBixifr #