Archived Twitter links for Mar 25-Apr 1 via @paleomedia.
- Well hello gluten free beer @winco. #redbridge #onestop #
- Refugees teaching in Idaho, @IdahoStatesman story feat. @tarawolfson #
- Guide on the side. #
- The whole problem is that Idaho fast forwards the good parts of Brokeback Mountain: via @idahostatesman @nicolelefavour #
- When I first came to Boise, I slept on @MikeMedberry's floor RT @MikeMedberry: Coming in to Urban Boise Part I #
- Thanks for the follow-back @adamsherk … My Boise pal @mdsimmonds suggested I read your stuff if I want to "ride the snake." good stuff. #
- so not fundamentalist MT @jessflynn: I love this so much RT @uscthanhtan #Gandhi #039;s 10 fundamentals #
- Hello, list of grassfed beef producers in Idaho #emptyfreezer #
- This is the first idea ever from Athol Republican Phil Hart that I'd take a serious look at #foodfreedom #
- This is the first Athol Republican Phil Hart idea that I'd take a serious look at #foodfreedom #
- About to get a tour of @Interzoic's #Accord LMS from Mr. #Wylie #
- oy, he had a bar mitzvah. RT@LatinoVoices: 10 things you didn't know about Geraldo Rivera… #
- RT @Capitol_insider: Senate adjourns sine die. #idleg #
- Fracking in South Africa via @corpwatch #
- What the fuck's this I hear about a "Valencia Corridor" now in #SanFrancisco Occupy that. #
- I'm about to blog. #
- Thanks for the pep talk and attempt at re-deadlining me, @RachaelDaigle #BoiseSiBW #
- I like this @NewsTrust Four Ds of Journalism: Doubt, Detect, Discern, Demand #
- Recommend listenershipmanship MT @ThomasPaul117: I'm on the air hosting @v3KRBX on @radioboise now. 89.9FM #
- #FF @PowerCordz cuz I'll be tweeting for them now… #futurebike #vanityFF #
- Schwing! RT @NiemanLab: Reporters: This $40 shotgun mike for iPhone lets you record sound like a pro #
- 4-ply, I hope. RT @mdsimmonds: Yep. Just bought my Twitter feed on toilet paper. Xmas coming for my family early. #
- Good question RT @ilwcom: Why does Homeland Security needs 450 million bullets? #immigration #
- At least it makes a fine paper airplane. #megazilch #
- Tear down those walls » The Gated Community Mentality by Rich Benjamin @NYTimes #
- I'm in the mood for a paper newspaper this morning. #
- Useful list RT @slfisher: Idaho politicians with ties to ALEC. #
- I am so god damn gourmet. #
- for @zunguzungu via @BookSaint – good disc. of failures on the K-12 beat. #
- There is a niche blog opportunity in alcoholic beverages containing Hershey's Chocolate Syrup. #
- How many times can a guy use the word "crucible" in one book? #
- RT @agomezlicon: Just interviewed man barred from crossing into U.S. to bury his 10-year-old son. Here's how he feels. #
- Turn it up RT @missangelboise: Gospel Brunch is on now 'til noon 89.9 fm #