Archived Twitter links for Feb 6-Feb 12 via @paleomedia.
- ISO object as desirable and incentivizing as the colored ribbons awarded to kids at the YMCA pool. #
- At about 4:10pm Mon, @RadioBoise will air some interviews I did at the ID Refugee Conf. Feedback needed 89.9FM or #
- What do states' rights people say about the free movement of people between states? And how does that relate to their #immigration position? #
- Superbowl fit: our tv, serving 2nd half, was not as hi-def as our hosts for the 1st. "NY's shirts are not orange" #sorrykid #
- Dang, I'll learn Basque: Sexy Videos Promoting Basque Language, Euskara, Cause Public Outrage #kaixo #
- Sawyer, soldier, singlemom, student RT @stiles: Our latest news app: Tracking unemployment for @StateImpactID: #
- Starting a new part time teaching gig this morning: civics for prospective citizens. 1st amendment still the best, right? #
- “@MicEvHill: Today is a slow one for #immigration and #refugee legislation, with the only activity taking place outside of camera range." #
- mouse down #
- My interview with @refugees Cochetel and U.S. DOS Gauger via @radioboise's #soundcloud #
- Well put, for any educators @knightfdn: RT @changemakers: Five Tips for Creating Learning Spaces that Lead to Change #
- Nice peek inside this shadowy world RT @AaronStanton: Very good & personal account of traditional publishing… #
- Good Q. @TimMerrick: Doctors, engineers, even cartographers. But where is Border Guards Without Borders? #
- Hi neighbor @btperry from @TreyMcInProject on Jazz from the Sky on @radioboise right now: 89.9FM #
- A "Shit Journalists Say" vid in the making? @jessiebonner: Words Journalists Use That People Never Say #
- gotta pen? RT @jessiebonner: @paleomedia yes! the one about new age girls has to be my favorite #
- Does radio have an equivalent of the inverted pyramid? #
- Tomorrow @ noon I will be @TurnerWriter's show @radioboise with @aquariansalgado to talk about @amorandexile. Ever'body's got a @. #
- Jamilah RT @ASandoval6: Half moom hoop earrings by SandovalDE via @Etsy #
- Làstima RT @jillrep: New State Dept travel warning for Mexico: #
- RT @sepoy: A profile of Katherine Boo, author. #
- It's back: <– Right-to-hunt amendment clears committee #
- nice RT @maggieKTVB7: Bogus Basin wants to reward season pass holders next year, for being so patient this year… #
- Seems trend-y, more data needed, via TRAC: Share of Immigration Cases Ending in Deportation Orders Hits Record Low #
- This relates to my new gig, making citizens of citizens: (pdf) #
- 'bout time: @ImmProf Blog: ICE Creates Public Advocate Position #
- Decent explainer: How US Policies Fueled Mexico's Great Migration | The Nation #
- Can somebody make this list into a map? #
- Heading to @radioboise for the interview with @TurnerWriter #
- "Writing is not an exercise in excision, it’s a journey into sound." via cduhigg & E. B. White #
- I'd like to see @AddTheWords established as a third political party in Idaho. #
- (second) Same-Sex Couple Wins Immigration Relief, Despite Defense Of Marriage Act #
- Looking forward to meeting fellow hack @ggreenwald in Boise tomorrow night and bending his ear on @amorandexile #hint #hint #
- I've heard of conflict of interest; just learned of duality and maybe plurality of interest. #
- "Biology is, after all, more formidable an obstacle to compromise even than ideology" – no source, but in my email today #
- Headed to all day @radioboise board meet <– questions, ideas, concerns, praise-faint or indelible? #