A Sunday’s worth of links: 2012-02-05

Archived Twitter links for January 30-Feb 5 via @paleomedia.

  • Just added twitter, fb, g+, linkedin AND tumblr to my digital CV. Too much? #
  • Vincent Cochetel of @refugees @boisestatelive: UN directs #refugees with major medical needs, emergency cases to Europe, not US. #
  • US DOS Kelly Gauger: in feb, US will admit 3 millionth refugee since start of US resettlement program. #
  • I am at the Idaho Conference on Refugees this morning, working a story for @radioboise. #
  • How many TSA agents does it… RT @DavidLeopold: No laughing matter: travelers denied entry to U.S. for twitter jokes. http://t.co/Sk6oyigC #
  • it's in #
  • Rad farm @kickstarter success for my friends at Peaceful Belly: http://t.co/Wdv2NCFD #
  • Take the @radioboise poll about your public affairs needs on Sundays http://t.co/gHNqFyZ4 #
  • But it's the goyishe caucus, right? @Boiseweekly: #Nevada Jews will wait until after sundown to caucus. http://t.co/BzkvsNOI #
  • Baile at the Knit Fact tonight. #
  • First Idaho Stampede game ever and
    it's fuckin Susan G Komen night. #D league http://t.co/FHEUBlpP #
  • Line between vol/forced migration blurring RT @JuanSaaa: Dad killed, mom deported, WA student seeks asylum #dreamact
    http://t.co/DRdykqUz #

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