Grocery Tax, Mansfield Suit & Primary Jig

The House held its nose and voted for some food tax relief Thursday, giving Otter a little something. Meanwhile, some competing road funding bills gained initial approval and a deal on local option taxing was burned on CD.

Owners of what Otter calls half-way houses are pressuring the governor to veto a bill that lets cities control where they locate and threatening a federal lawsuit if it becomes law. NIMBY at it’s best.

Fish and Game commissioners are in town and approved the state wolf plan and more election announcements coming all the time… Maybe even on… in the Newsrack

Grocery tax credit passes House. 61-8 vote brought opposition from those who wanted to eliminate the tax completely. Rebate on food tax will rise annually up to $100. $30 to $50 at first. Governor will wait and see. Miller, AP in the Press Tribune. Epic. Druzin in the Statesman. Samantha Wright reports on Boise State Radio. Ferguson in the LMT.

Mansfield vows suit. If Otter signs bill giving local jurisdiction more control over siting of group homes despite fair housing and ADA requirements. Dennis Mansfield runs a rapidly growing network of group homes for rehab. AP in the Press Tribune.

Otter backs local option tax with Constitutional Amendment. Amendment gives it a better chance of passing. Sen. Bart Davis: Clock is ticking to hear a bill. Druzin in the Statesman.

Field burning compromise to be signed by governor today. Passed both houses unanimously. Not many burners left. Russell in the Spokesman Review.

ITD audit, GARVEE cap pass committee. Bedke opposes timing: A hair too early. Hopkins in the Times-News.

REAL ID ban introduced. Athol Rep. Phil Hart wants to stop implementation of national ID standards. Hart: “It’s expected that you’ll have access to the personal data of everyone in the United States. It will restrict our right to travel. You’ll be searched every time you get onto an airplane.” Goins in the CDA Press.

Transuranic waste headed to INL. Soiled radioactive gloves, etc., will stop off before heading to final resting place. Otter spokesman: “There are fairly rigorous provisions that govern this, and we don’t have a lot of choice on this part of it.” Boone, AP in the Times-News.

Fish and Game Commission backs wolf plan. Commissioner: It’s the middle ground. Don Wimberly on Boise State Radio. [AUDIO]

More shuffling announced. Snodgrass to take on McKague for Senate. McKague tells Statesman: It’s a free country. Kieth Bird, Meridian City Council will run for Snodgrass seat. Bock puts in for Langhorst Senate seat…. any more… please let us know in the comments section…

AFL-CIO Idaho backs LaRocco for Senate. AP in the Times-News.

Run. Campaign filing starts Monday. North Central delegation stays the course. Ferguson in the LMT.

Ellick out at Commerce. Controversial commerce director Jim Ellick won’t return to post. Interim leader Don Dietrich, champion of French nuclear facility, being considered for the job. Fisher on NewWest. AP in the Press Tribune.

Former Lott flak moves to Craig’s office. Susan Irby will be Sen. Larry Craig’s press attaché. Dan Whiting taking post at Dept. of Ag and Sid Smith now at Idaho Republican Party. WaPost in the Statesman.

Lucky Peak, wild fires put Boise at number 10 in terrorist vulnerability. Out of 132 urban areas studied. Researchers: Boise? Just means that if there was an attack on Boise lots of havoc could be wrought. Moller in the Statesman.

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