New Money, In-state tuition & Death Penalty

Most used metaphor in today’s papers: chopping block. Road funding, payroll, concurrent enrollment, energy center… all on the chopping block as the budget committee gets to work.

Also, a bill to provide undocumented kids with instate tuition is being held up in committee, Karen McGee is stepping down… to spend time with her grandson (at least it’s a specific reason), Fidel Castro also stepping down and college campuses will still be able to ban guns, for now. In today’s Newsrack

In-state college tuition for undocumented not likely to get hearing. Bill would allow immigrant students who have lived in Idaho three years to attend Idaho colleges. Only 5 to 10 percent of undocumented high school kids go on to college. Butts in the Press Tribune.

Budget committee robs Otter’s ongoing funds. Only $7.5 million for new ongoing projects, while governor views it as more like 28.3 million. Transportation funding shift, state worker pay first to go. Budget setting begins this morning. Russell in the Spokesman [partial access].

House buying election day shots. 25 vote to keep Election Day liquor ban on the books. St. Maries Rep. Dick Harwood: “I just thought, you know, does a guy have to go get drunk to vote for someone?” Bill goes to Senate. Russell in the Spokesman [partial access].

Prosecutors want more time to decide on capital charges. Ask legislature for 90 days to determine if death penalty is feasible. Sen. Bart Davis: “What does 60 days get you that 30 days doesn’t? Or what does 90 days get you that 60 days doesn’t?” Shifrin, AP in the Statesman.

Guns on campuses taken out of bill. Bar on local government gun control measures being reworked. Portion on keeping students armed removed despite?/inwakeof? shooting at Illinois University. Sponsor Sen. Curt McKenzie: “The issue with protecting constitutional rights on campus is something we’re going to have to have a dialogue about over a couple sessions.” Ferguson in the LMT [subscrip]. Guns are not the answer. Marcus Heleker in the Arbiter.

Pence want school district consolidation. Dealing with how to consolidate the boards. Bill being revised. Hopkins in the Times-News.

No funds for high school, college concurrent enrollment. Luna want $3.5 million, budget committee says maybe next year. Davidson in the Post Register [subscrip]. Nonini pitches for Dept of Ed on schools budget. Goins in the CDA Press. Germane. Fisher on

Looking for funds for IF Energy center. New research hub for energy production could get one-time funding. East Idaho lawmakers lobbying governor to support it with $3 million. Dadivson in the Post Register [subscrip].

Otter aide McGee stepping down Friday. To be with her grandson. Karen McGee was at center of Ed Board screw up last year. Moved to Otter’s office. Now headed back to Pocatello. Roberts in the Statesman.

Milk could just become the state beverage. Bill clears House committee. Rep. Brandon Durst, co-sponsor: “I just had a glass this morning – it was fantastic.” Trail had some for lunch. Hopkins in the Times-News.

On the bloggeys: “I’m gonna wash that man right out of my hair.” Smyser takes lawmakers to South Pacific. LeFavour on Notes from the Floor.

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