A bill brought by mining companies would allow them to leave contaminated water behind and circumvents negotiations with DEQ and environmental groups. Student group and the NRA want to be able to carry concealed weapons on campus to shoot shooters (or, perhaps, deter them). And PaleoMedia.org gets a mention over in the Basque Country… in today’s Newsrack.
There is a lot to read these days… if we miss a good Idaho politics story let the people know in the comments section.
Mining industry wants to leave it’s phosphates behind. Or just under a rock pile. Lobbyist Jack Lyman: “I’m not asking for a license to pollute.” ICL’s Justin Hayes: “The mines want a license to pollute in perpetuity.” Miller, AP in the Press Tribune.
Senate Ed to question State Board of Ed, curtail duties. Meeting set for Feb. 27. Sen. Tom Gannon: “I see signs. There are some senators saying we should address, ‘what is the role of the State Board of Education’ and put them in their proper role.” Hopkins in the Times-News.
Idaho, other states looking to allowed concealed weapons on campus. In wake of Virginia Tech shooting, students want guns on campus. Aled Baker, student, U of I: “We were saying, ‘That’s ridiculous what happened.’ And we could have mitigated the situation, reduced the number of deaths. You can’t always prevent these things. You could maybe cut down on them.” Shifrin, AP in the Press Tribune.
N. Idaho officials want less, no adjudication. Or “legal sorting out” of water rights. It’s a can of worms with Canada and the tribes. Six bills heard out in Senate committee. Sen. Shawn Keough: “The water wars seem to have spread to northern Idaho.” Possible vote Friday. Russell in the Spokesman Review.
Otter, Legislature wade into gillnetting. Bill would discourage commercial gillnet fishing with exorbitant license. Otter asks Nez Perce to reconsider plans for fishery. Ferguson in the LMT [subscrip].
Midwife licensing bill introduced. State’s midwives want voluntary licensing, ability to carry certain drugs. Docs concerned about level of training, insurance. Davidson in the Post Register [subscrip].
Sali fundraising falling short. Latest FEC reports show Rep. Bill Sali still owes more money than he has, including $7,000 to his daughter. Democratic opponent Walt Minnick has raised more than $400,000: “…it’s creating an environment where I can raise money. There’s a common perception that he has accomplished very little.” Bolstad in the Statesman.
Fort Hall Democrat enters race for Larry Craig seat. Attorney Dave Archuletta will take on Larry LaRocco in the May Primary. Inspired to run by Obama and causucs turnout. John O’Connell in the State Journal.
Former CDA schools super to take on Hart. David Rawls will run against Phil Hart, now in his second term. in the CDA Press.
Gingrich at Zoo Boise. Former House Speaker talks about environmentalism and conservatism. Addresses Idaho Association of Counties and tells Borders how great the English language is. Druzin in the Statesman.
Clinton, Michelle Obama coming to Spokane Friday. Few details available. Hillary Clinton will be there Friday AM after stop in Seattle. Obama at Fox Theater at 4 pm. Caucus Saturday. Jim Camden in the Spokesman [partial access].
Idaho’s 23 delegates to Denver Democratic Convention could still be a swing. Nomination may not be wrapped up by August. Oh yeah, and Republicans have a Primary election coming up in May. Butts in the Press Tribune.
Spare Change. Bob Hope. Ferguson at Obama: “The prickling sensation that crept down my spine was real and electric and a bit unsettling. It’s uncomfortable to play the role of detached observer in a room filled with so much emotion.” Ferguson in the LMT. And what is real? Kim Stiens on PaleoMedia.org.
Basque language enters the “rice” to the White House. PaleoMedia hits the Basque Country.
New bill allows credit report freeze. Takes aim at ID theft. Kreller in the Statesman.