ACLU on Craig, Liquor, Colleges

Idaho’s colleges and universities pitched the budget committee Tuesday and got a fairly warm, backslapping reception. U of I president pointed out that a quarter of the legislature graduated from Moscow. Also, the ACLU is still supporting Larry Craig in Minnesota, whether he likes it or not. And we may soon be able to buy tequila on Election Day…

ACLU joins Craig appeal. Would it have been disorderly conduct if they were sitting on bar stools? ACLU brief: “Because the government may not criminalize private sex, it may not criminalize an invitation to have private sex… This is even so where the invitation is extended in a public place, whether a bar or a restroom.” Bolstad in the Statesman. Russell in the Spokesman.

Liquor stores could open on election days. Longtime ban on liquor sales during polling could be amended. Former Secrectary of State Pete Cenarrusa: “I think most people act pretty soberly.” Druzin in the Statesman. Eight other states still ban liquor sales on election day too. Russell in the Spokesman. Buy the whole bottle. Hopkins in theTimes-News.

Otter already tried changing state worker bennies last year. Plan went out to workers but was rescinded after complaints from lawmakers. Admin spokesperson: “We got word from the CEC co-chairs that that was not the direction they wanted us to go and that they wanted us to absorb all cost increases internally.” Hoffman in the Boise Weekly

Ruining charity bingo. Idaho case draws bill on stricter record keeping for bingo games. Miller, AP in the Press Tribune.

State CAFO, dairy research center, gets design funding. State Ed Board allocates $750,000 for design of new research center in Magic Valley. Now they have to site it and Gooding County is not interested. Christensen in the Times-News.

Little questions funding for aquifer studies. Sen. Brad Little: “If we keep setting aside $20 million appropriations for 10 years there might not be any money here two years from now.” Hopkins in the Times-News.

State economists decry tightening of lending practices, watching water shortage. ’08 forecast shows strong farm growth, selling off of housing inventory, but slowing economy overall. Joshua Palmer in the Times-News.

Other parent will pay $25 fee. Custodial parents will get refund on child support fees after Health and Welfare rule change supported by Otter. Child support payer will have to foot the bill. Davidson in the Post-Register.

Kren gets primary challenge. Just as session gets underway, attorney Russell Johnson announces he will challenge Nampa Rep. Steve Kren for his House seat. In the Press Tribune.

White: Profs make $10 G more in Washington. U of I president seek pay increase for faculty. LCSC breaking ground on nursing school. Ferguson in the LMT. Budget setting insurance agents chuckle at lawyers. White discusses need for law classes in Boise, med school. Feguson in the LMT.

Rural schools task force backs Luna pay plan. Says controversial plan will help with recruitment. Also discussing 4-day school week. Ferguson in the LMT. Lakeland School Board also supports iSTARS. Suzanne Jacobson in the CDA Press.

Poll: Idahoans say no to backcountry road building in 3:1 margin. Idaho Conservation League poll announced at Forest Service considers new roadless rule for state. John O’Connell in the State Journal. Poll here. Barker in the Statesman.

SFW circulates petitions to stop gill netting. Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife says Nez Perce plan for commercial fishery could hurt recreational fishing. Tribe says it won’t. Barker in the LMT.

Hailey waters down pot measures. To avoid conflict with state, feds, city amends it’s pot ordinances into meaninglessness. Leaves marijuana oversight committee in place. Terry Smith in the Mtn. Express.

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